don lennon | routine
ROUTINE (2005)
1. What SNL Stands For 2. Best Years Of Our Lives 3. The Trust Fund
4. He Created A Monster  5. Last Comic Standing (video) 6. My Routine
7. My Resume 8. Junior Year Abroad 9. Northampton 10. The Death Of My Imagination


��Routine� is singer/songwriter Don Lennon�s fourth LP. I�ve always loved how Lennon cuts against pop culture�s grain. Like many performers, Lennon confesses details about his private life. But unlike many others who spill the beans, he�s not shrill or self indulgent about telling his story. In [the song] �Last Comic Standing,� he even sings about his reactions to a television memorial for the late John Ritter. This is just the sort of off-beat reference to expect from Lennon�s exceedingly creative blend of pop music and personal life. Lennon�s a clever, understated conversationalist who gives us a wry account of his likes and dislikes, obsessions and aversions. It helps that he has a great ear for a pop hook and a light but sure hand with a melody.�
                                                                       -John Brady, NPR on Routine

The CD costs $14 (includes shipping). MP3s can be downloaded for $10. Buy using paypal or send a check or money order, payable to Martin Philip, PO Box 1164, New York, NY 10021. Or visit one of these fine retailers...


Routine - Don Lennon from emusic Routine - Don Lennon from itunes Routine - Don Lennon from amazon Routine - Don Lennon from rhapsody

And be sure to check out Don�s other albums: Maniac, Don Lennon, Downtown, Radical, and Nick and Mary�all available at

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